David J Ward
Location: Angleton TX
Birthday: 4 July, 1954
Bio: I have been a photographer since high school at Brazoswood High in clute Texas since 1970. I had a Nikkormat SLR autofocus thich was an advanced camera at that time for someone my age. It took excellent quality pictures. with Digital Cameras and Webcams it is a different story. I have not had the opportunity yet to learn how to use a digital camera or to save and post pictures on the web. But I hope to learn someday. It just costs more than I can afford. If you are in the market for a coolpix or a powershot digital camera-please consider buying one here. It all goes towards replacing a burned home.
Thanks for your support-David J Ward
also visit http;//
Interests: photography-home security-spacecraft-astronomy-boats and boating-gardening-home building and remodeling-landscaping-cars and big trucks-reading-intellectual pursuits.
Blog Created: Monday, September 20, 2010
Last Updated: Monday, September 20, 2010 - 4:56 PM EDT
Blog Entries: 26